My Projects

Stochastic Simulation:

My research work on stochastic simulation and computation were implemented using Matlab.

  • Numerical solution and approximation of spatio-temporal pattern formation in complex stochastic dynamical systems
  • Simulation of rare events in random graph networks, queuing networks, and reflected stochastic differential equations
  • Implementation of Kalman filter for tracking position of objects from noisy data
  • Numerical solution of stochastic partial differential equations using Wiener chaos expansions
  • Simulation of biochemical reactions using the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm, based on a Markov chain Monte Carlo approach

Machine learning and data Analysis:

Some of my data projects using R and Python can be found on my GitHub page.

Other side projects:

I enjoy picking up new technology and programming languages.

  • Learnt HTML, Javascript and CSS to create this webpage and desgin my own webpage for the MATH184 course which I taught at the University of British Columbia.
    I also created interactive education Javascript applets for illustrating calculus concepts:
  • Learnt Java programming through the Algorithms course on Coursera, and completed the course's programming projects
    • A percolation problem: a Monte Carlo simulation using a union-find algorithm
    • Dequeue and Randomized queues
    • Pattern Recognition: Identifying collinear points, and an exercise on Comparable interfaces
    • 8 puzzle problem: implementing the A* algorithm to solve the 8-puzzle problem
    • Kd trees: a geometric search algorithm using a binary search tree
  • Familiar with Linux commands which I use on cygwin.